Piñones pine nut pastries

  • Preparation time 30 min.
  • easy

fine Majorcan pastry balls


Boil the potatoes in salted water until done.

Grate the lemon zest and mix with the sugar and add the vanilla and cinnamon. Then carefully mix the spiced sugar and the almond flour.

Leave the cooked potatoes to cool slightly and peel them. Grate the still warm potato with a fine kitchen grater to make mashed potato. Knead the grated potatoes in portions with the almond/sugar mixture. The consistency will be a dough similar to marzipan.

Place the pine nuts in a shallow dish. Coarsely chop/crush the roasted almonds in a mortar.

Separate the eggs, mix the yolks and beat the egg whites until light and fluffy. Form a walnut-sized ball from the mixture, moisten all over in the egg white, then roll in the pine nuts. Work the balls lightly with your fingers, i.e. press the pine nuts down lightly and remove some if necessary. When the pine nuts are used up, continue with the almonds, placing the finished balls at small intervals on a baking tray.

When the nuts are used up, add the cocoa to the mixture and form more balls.

Brush all the balls with egg yolk using a pastry brush or similar.
Put the baking tray into the preheated oven (180° top/bottom heat or convection oven). Bake for about 15-20 minutes, but keep an eye on the balls in the last few minutes, when they turn golden brown and start to spread, they are done. Leave to cool completely on a cooling rack, then pack into an airtight box.

You can also use the dough in other ways, e.g. cover with chocolate after baking or form small bowls and fill with jam after baking. Have fun varying and enjoying.


Ingredients for 30-40 pieces


From the online shop

Camp Mallorquí organic ground almonds

16,95 €

Camp Mallorquí sweet raw ground almonds

12,95 €

Organic cocoa

9,95 €

Organic Panela cane sugar

3,95 €

Lemons 1kg

3,95 €