Blood Orange Marmalade

  • Preparation time 3 h.
  • medium


Wash the fruit and rub dry. Peel 3 of the oranges thinly (without the white of the peel) with a potato peeler and keep the peel. Do the same with the lemons. Cut away the white of the peel from all the oranges and lemons, then cut the fruit into pieces.

Place the orange and lemon pieces in a large saucepan with the sugar over medium heat, stir and simmer.
Boil the peels in an extra pot of boiling water for 10 minutes to lose the bitterness, then add only the peels to the jam in the large pot. Add the liqueur and spices.

Take a jelly test now and then, the jam needs approx. 2-3 hours. It reduces slowly with the sugar. The longer it simmers, the firmer it becomes.

Pour the still hot jam immediately into the hot rinsed jars (if possible to the rim). Immediately turn each jar upside down to create a vacuum. Leave to cool and store, give as a gift or enjoy yourself.


Ingredients for 10 medium glasses


From the online shop

Organic Panela cane sugar

3,95 €

Angel d'Or orange liqueur

19,95 €

Lemons 1kg

3,95 €

Blood oranges 1kg

3,95 €