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Olive oil tasting packs

Olive oil always tastes a little different. It depends on the type of olive and its degree of ripeness. It also plays a role whether you use a single-varietal oil or a coupage. Try olive oil with the Oli de Mallorca D.O. label.

6 x Suc de Cel Arbequina extra virgin olive oil D.O.

Particularly suitable for salads and fresh dishes.
59,70 € 55,99 €
6 x 250ml tin

3 x Ullaró extra virgin olive oil D.O. Tasting Pack

A nice gift idea: 3 single-variety olive oils from Mallorca, awarded with the certificate of origin Oli de Mallorca D.O.
25,95 €
3 x 100ml bottle

6 x Extra virgin olive oil D.O. Tasting pack 1

Get to know the distinct properties of Oli de Mallorca with this selection of some of the islands best olive oils, all carrying the title "Protected Designation of Origin".
108,29 € 99,99 €
6 x 500ml

Olive oil tasting

Olive oil tastes good. And Oli de Mallorca D.O., the oil with the quality guarantee from Mallorca, especially so. Fruity, spicy, nutty or mild.

With our tasting boxes, you will learn to appreciate olive oil from Mallorca.
If you like, order our olive oil tasting templates and instructions for free.

Olive oil tasting packs

6 x Extra virgin olive oil D.O. Tasting pack 2

Get to know the unmistakable characteristics of Oli de Mallorca. We have put together here for you a balanced selection of the best olive oils that have been awarded the seal of quality.
127,78 € 119,99 €
6 x 500ml

6 x Organic extra virgin olive oil D.O. Tasting pack

Assorted tasting pack of organic olive oils from Mallorca. Different in the composition of Mallorca's 3 olive varieties. Nutty round, fruity sweet or spicy.
132,74 € 129,99 €
6 x 500ml
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