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The following information is requiered under German law:
Fet a Sóller , S.L.
C/ Cristòfol Quintana Colom 1
E - 07100 Sóller/Mallorca
Steuer-Nr. (C.I.F.) B-07800592
Tel. +34 971 63 88 39
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Photographic and text material is subject to the copyright of Fet a Sóller. Reproduction (screenshot), copy or transmission of any kind are prohibited. For press material please contact .
Responsible for the content of this site:
Hilli Holzberger
Legal disclaimer:
The contents of these pages were prepared with utmost care. Under §5 Abs.1 TDG (german telecommunication-service law), we only assume responsibility for the content of our own site. We do not assume liability for the timeless accuracy and completeness of the information.
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