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In August 2006, Francesc Grimalt and Sergio Caballero founded "4Kilos Vinícola" in Mallorca, a company dedicated to producing wines that reflect the strength of the grape and its nuances, but with a different approach and presentation. Francesc Grimalt is a winemaker and former partner/technician of the Anima Negra winery in Mallorca. He is primarily known for reviving the native grape variety Callet in the Balearic wine scene. Sergio Caballero is a musician, co-founder, and co-director of the advanced music and multimedia art festival SÓNAR, for which he is responsible for its image.
Agromallorca S.A.T. was founded in 1964 by Joan Vicens Tortella, whose entrepreneurial character, perseverance and dedication have made this company one of the most important in the Balearic fruit and vegetable sector. Today, with more than 50 years and three generations behind it, Agromallorca S.A.T. continues to grow and develop permanently.
Picarandau is a family business founded in 2006 dedicated to the cultivation of olive trees on a farm located near Palma. They work on the cultivation and harvest of the olive to achieve the highest quality possible. Their project is an organic farming based on localized irrigation to save water, the use of organic fertilizers and the protection of the fauna of the land.
Aloe Vera Farm Mallorca has made it its mission to develop natural cosmetics & food supplements as pure and unadulterated as possible, without harmful additives.
Licoristas Reunidos Mallorquines S.L. This company was born thanks to the Cañellas family, who had a long tradition of making aniseed, liqueurs and rums in Marratxí, Mallorca. The appreciated rum Amazona was created due to the export of aniseed and brandy from the American colonies.
The almond is the queen of traditional cuisine in Mallorca. It is used in many typical Mallorcan dishes and delicious Mallorcan sweets on the island of Mallorca. The small company Ametlla+ de Mallorca is entirely dedicated to the exquisite use of the almond. Ametlla is mallorquín and means almond. The almond spices from Ametlla+ de Mallorca are particularly popular.
Miel Antonio Simón is a family business of organic artisan beekeepers farming in Guadalajara since 1897. The process of collecting, packaging and distribution is carried out by themselves.
apaema is a non-profit association that was established in June 2006 from the proposal of organic farmers and processors of Mallorca with the main goal of having a platform for the defence and promotion of organic agriculture and agroecology. It also has a product preparation service called S'Obrador.
Eva Maier & Stefan Winterling studied viticulture and have worked and researched for many years in Mallorca, Germany, Catalonia and California. In 2010 they distilled their first gin in a winery where they worked, a fact that they enjoyed so much that they decided to open their own distillery. This is how this artisan distillery focused on the flavors of Mallorca was born in 2012.
This hihgh quality oil comes from one of the oldest farms on the island located in Manacor; Albocasser. The company was founded in 1998 although the beginning dates back to 902-1929. The land has a chapel and medieval remains that witness the resurgence of the Extra Virgin Olive oil.
Company founded at the beginning of 2009 in Tarragona, promoted by the founder's nostalgia for his childhood and the need to return to his origins. Its aim is traditional agriculture and its sustainability.
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